Ilan Leas developed his distinctive artistic style, often described as 'complex,' during middle school, inspired by a TV special about crop circles. This sparked his passion for creating intricate designs that incorporate elements from his daily life. Hailing from New York, he earned a BS from Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Growing up, Leas had the guidance of an art teacher mother and showcased his artistic talents from a young age.
Leas devoted his time after graduating from university to building a successful modeling career with Ford Models. During his downtime, he began drawing again and reignited his passion for visual arts. At the heart of his practice is experimentation and overcoming the feeling of failure. Though he began with pen and ink drawings, he has evolved to exploring other media such as painting on unconventional surfaces. He uses graffiti-like strokes and harsh angles to create the organized chaos of each drawing.
Leas’ current work relies on his subconscious and he does not plan any of his drawings beforehand. He allows the lines to flow freely to create a dynamic space. He considers his technique “patternmaking without a pattern.”
Leas’ artworks have been featured at the Coachella Valley Music Festival’s project “TRASHed” by Global Inheritance as well as Sweetgreen’s NYC and Chicago locations.