Fredi Gertsch trains his inexhaustible imagination in the studio, inventing new stories on canvas daily. He has no limits, but the most common theme in his work is always that of the cow. “Humor and positive feelings are important to me; the smiles of the viewers, the joys of the gallery visitor is the desired award for me” said Gertsch of his work.
Born in Switzerland in 1952, Gertsch has been a competitive swimmer, sports teacher, computer engineer, and a father of three boys. His sketches of goodnight stories and daydreams of the past have, unlike his kids, never quite grown up.
His first major exhibition as a freelance artist was in Hamburg, Germany. Since then, numerous cows, calves, and bulls of the Emme Valley in Switzerland graze in the cool apartments of city dwellers and countryside homes in Europe, North and South America as well as Asia.
The artist says of his motif, “Like the primordial mother of all living beings, the cow appears in every painting. I bring colors into harmony which at first glance to not seem to fit and combine different techniques into a vibrating production.”
Gertsch continues, “Because of my worldwide collectors, my cattle are the happiest Emmentaler cows - hardly born, they stagger onto the biggest pastures in the world.”
His collectors all agree that, "It must be a kind person who paints such lovable cows.” Gertsch’s paintings have travelled around the world, decorating modern apartments, holiday homes, medical practices, hotels, and public buildings. His Cows can be found in Singapore, Zurich, New York, Texas, Berne, Munich and Berlin, Sydney, Oslo, Hamburg, and Salzburg, from the Emme Valley all the way to sunny Los Angeles.